Jeerakarishtam effective medicine used - Ayurvedic postnatal care.It is made with cumin seeds.Jeerakarishtam is a suitable Ayurvedic medicine after delivery. It helps to improve strength of the mother after delivery. Most of the herbs used in jeerkar..
Dasamoolarishtam is a general ayurvedic arishtam or tonic to improve general health and vitality. This strong stimulant relieves fatigue,indigestion,sexual debily,lack of appetite,vomiting,anemia etc. This is used as a genral health tonic. It improve..
Ashokarishtam/Asokarishtam an ayurvedic medicinal tonic, which is almost effective for all types of diseases related to the female reproductive system. This ayurvedic tonic is extensively used for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding and ot..
DasamoolajeerakarishtamDasamoolajeerakarishtam fine tonic for the loss of appetite. General tonic in post delivery conditions like indigestion, dyspepsia etc. This is a Cardiac stimulant, Nervine tonic, Restorative, Carminative, Digestive, Appetizer,..