An innovative daily drink which maintains the health of the genito-urinary systemIngredients of Evicto - Kidney care herbal mix ThazhuthamaNjerinjilCherula Benefits of Evicto - Kidney care herbal mix This combination has anti..
Kadukka - Terminalia chebula, commonly known as black- or chebulic myrobalanKadukka or Hard whole is an oblong shaped, brown coloured fruit from a moderate tree which is used in traditional medicines. In Hindi language, it called by the name ‘Haritak..
Incha, Nikunjika (Natural herbal scrubber)Incha or Nikunjika is a natural herbal scrub made from the skin of an armed woody straggling shrub known as Acacia caesia. This medicinal plant variety is widely distributed across the foot hills of Western G..
Buy Online Kallurvanchi From NatureLoC.comKallurvanchi or Aquatic Rotula is one of a medicinal shrub which grows among rocks. They exist in stream beds as it tails over gravel deposits at the bottom of small water bodies. It normally grows up to a he..
Kantakari or Kandakari is an annual thorny plant with thick succulent stems with spicules.The thorns are yellow in colour and small. Flowers are blue in colour. Fruits are rounded,green coloured when raw and turn yellow at maturity All parts of the p..
Kakkumkaya, Matchbox bean, Snuff Box Sea BeanKakkumkaya, Matchbox bean is an Ayurvedic medicinal component grown in the tropical and subtropical countries bordering the Indian Ocean. These are also known by different names like African dream her..
Desmodim gangeticum (Orila) in the Fabaceae family. Leaf stalks are 0.4-2 cm long. Pea-flower shaped flowers are borne in racemes at the end of branches, or in leaf axils.It is a herb which usually grows in Kerala, Assam and Bengal .It is well known ..
Sacred or healing plant in ayurveda ShankupushpamSacred or healing plant in ayurveda Shankupushpam commonly known as butterfly pea, blue pea, Cordofan pea and Asian pigeon wings, is a plant species belonging to the Fabaceae family. The flowers ..
Thathiripoovu is a light red coloured flower of a medicinal plant called Fire-flame Bush scientifically known as Woodfordia Fruticosa. It is a beautiful shrub with fluted stems and long spreading branches, commonly seen across the Northern parts of I..
Thazhuthama (Punarnava) Miracle herbs in your home garden,folk medicine for maintaining blood pressure and Kidney disorders Thazhuthama (Punarnava) is a creeper.Leave are nearly round in shape and can vary in size from one to the other. It..