Aval-Flattened rice,beaten rice
- Brand:NatureLoC
- Product Info:
INGREDIENTS: Aval, Poha, Avalakki, Flattened rice Beaten rice. Aval recipes are aval milk, aval vilayichathu, aval flakes. It has ample dietary fibers that make it a perfect choice for weight watchers. Instant food easily digestible. · Red aval is very healthy due to the presence of bran.
HOW TO USE: It is used for preparing multiple of snacks and breakfast menus,both sweet and breakfast items
SHELF LIFE: Poha/Aval has a long shelf life. It can keep good for up to 3 months or longer. Beaten rice is lactose free and fat free.
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Buy Online Aval, Poha, Avalakki, Flattened rice NatureLoC.com
What is beaten rice/aval (അവൽ) /poha Flatten rice?s flattened rice good for health? Can you lose weight by eating poha?
Aval (അവൽ) or Poha is also popular in different names like Avalakki, beaten rice, flattened rice and compressed rice.Aval (അവൽ) or Poha Chewd these bland testing dried grains have a light brown texture and a rigid surface. Once soaked in water, they become soft and swell up to twice as their size. The lack of cholesterol components, saturated fat and less sodium content makes it one of a strong choice of calorie rich diet.
Aval Falttened Rice Products Details
- Material Feature :Vegetarian
- Storage - Pressed rice should be stored in a dry place in an airtight container.
- Shelf Life -Poha/Aval has a long shelf life. It can keep good for up to 3 months or longer. Beaten rice is lactose free and fat free.
- Product Type-Kerala Rice
- Packing Type -100 Gm packet
- Sourcing Method - Directly from Farmers
Health benefits Nutrtion value of Aval (Beaten rice,flatten rice)or Poha (അവൽ)
All over India, Aval or Poha is used for the preparation of several breakfast dishes, evening recipes and snacks varieties. The presence of carbohydrates, dietary fibres and minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium makes it one of an important food variety for all age groups. Cholesterol and fat-free nature of Avalakki would make it suitable for those who are looking to reduce weight.
How flatten rice(beaten rice aval poha) perfect choice for weight watchers?
Poha or Aval has ample dietary fibers that make it a perfect choice for weight watchers. So, if weight loss is on your mind, then going for poha as breakfast is an ideal choice as it keeps you satiated and curbs untimely hunger pangs.
Flattened rice (also called beaten rice) is a dehusked rice which is flattened into flat light dry flakes. They are most famously known as "Pohe" in malwa region, also they are considered to be originated in the malwa region itself.
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