- Brand:Cochin Arya vaidya Shala
- Product Info:Dasamoolajeerakarishtam -Tonic
- Out Of Stock
Dasamoolajeerakarishtam fine tonic for the loss of appetite. General tonic in post delivery conditions like indigestion, dyspepsia etc. This is a Cardiac stimulant, Nervine tonic, Restorative, Carminative, Digestive, Appetizer, Galactagogue.This also an effective remedy for hyperacidity and is good to resolve gastric upsets too.
Used To Cure : Grahani, General weakness, Aruchi, Gulma. Manufactured by Cochin Arya Vaidya sala
- Dosage for children - 5-10ml twice daily
- Adults - 15-30 twice or thrice daily
- As directed by the physician