Kodithoova/Koduthoova or Climbing Nettle is a slender perennial twinning herb with stinging hairs. Its leaves are base heart shaped or runder long pointed tip
This medicine helps to cure diabetes, skin diseases. It also purifies blood and eases bowel movement. The whole plant is useful.
- Tragia involucrata
- Climbing Nettle, Indian Stinging Nettle, Canchorie root-plant
- Malayalam: കൊടിത്തൂവ Kodithoova, കൊടുത്തൂവ Koduthoova
- Hindi: बढन्त barhanta, पीत पर्णी pit parni
- Kannada: ತುರಿಕೆ ಬಳ್ಳಿ turike balli
Tags: Kodithoova Dried/Crushed, Medicinal Herbs, Herbal powders, crushed herbs