Kodo Millet Varagu (Kodra)
- Brand:NatureLoC
- Product Info:
INGREDIENTS: Kodo Millet Varagu Arka Kodra. Health benefits of Kodo millets is its soft and delicious 100% natural. Kodo millet is loaded with dietary fibre and protein.
HOW TO USE: can be cooked into discrete grains,similar to rice by conventional methods such as open pan or pressure cooker or in rice cooker or such other methods like lemon rice,cured rice,tomato rice and fried rice etc.
SHELF LIFE: 9 Months Millet will keep for about two months when properly stored in a kitchen cabinet, four months in the refrigerator, and six months or longer in the freezer.
Store millet in a tightly closed container and in a cool, dark, dry location
- In Stock
Kodo Millet Varagu വരാഗ് - Millets varieties
Kodo Millet Varagu വരാഗ്) ,Paspalum scrobiculatumisan annual grain that is grown primarily in Nepal (not to confuse with Kodo (Finger millet, Eleusine coracana) and also in the India.
What is kodo millet Thinai called in India?
- Kodo Millet (varagu)
- Varagu in Tamil, Varak (വരക്) in Malayalam, Arka in Kannada, and Kodra in Hindi
Is Kodo millet for health? Health benefits of kodo varagu
- NatureLoC kodo millets soft and delicious 100% natural.
- Millets are least allergic and most digestible grains available
- Millets are least allergic and most digestible grains available.
- Insoluble fiber in millets lowers triglycerides.
- Millets contain high amounts of lecithin which is good for nervous system.
- Magnesium in millets reduces frequency of migraine attacks.
- Millets reduce the risk of type 2 diabets mellitus.
- Millets are high in phosphorus, a mineral that is an important constituent of nucleic acids,which are building blocks of gentic code.
- Millets help women combat gallstones,reduce risk of wheezing and asthma amomg children.
- Benefits post menopausal women who have heart ailments high blood pressure and cholestrol levels.
- Millets contain phytonutrient lingams that act against breast cancer and reduce risk of heart ailments.
How to prepare kodo millet? Usage varagu
Usage:can be cooked into discrete grains,similar to rice by conventional methods such as open pan or pressure cooker or in rice cooker or such other methods like lemon rice,cured rice,tomato rice and fried rice etc.
millets,millet,foxtail millet,కొర్రలు,korralu,korra,kangni,Kangni,کنگنی,ਕਂਗਣੀ, फॉक्सटेल बाजरा,ਕਂਗਣੀ,Navane,Thinai,Kang,Rala,Italian millet,German millet,Little Millet,Kodo millet,raagi,rice,cereal rice, Cereals, foxtail millet,ragi,raagi cereal rice,little millets,kodo millets,Millets,Pulses,തിന,milet,millet,milat,millets,millat,baajara,foxtail,myllets, milet,mixed millet,mixed millet powder,ചാമ അരി,വരാഗ്
Tags: millets, foxtail millet, thiani, thina, kangni, kodo millet, proso millet, kodra, varak, ragi