Mortar and Pestle-Wooden morter and pestle (crusher)

Mortar and Pestle-Wooden morter and pestle (crusher)

  • ₹350

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    Morter and Pestle Traditional Kitchen tool (Idikall Idiyan)
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    Traditional Kitchen Tool for crusing herbs,sipces Wooden MOrtar Pestle set buy online.

    Idiyan - Kerala traditional stone mortar and pestle (idikallu/chathakkalu)

    Mortar and Pestle -Stone Stoneware Spice Mixing Grinder (Crusher) -  idikalu (ഇടിക്കല്)Mortar and Pestle (मोर्टार एंड पेस्टल

    Mortar and Pestle ( Idikallu ഇടിക്കല്)is a widely used traditional kitchen device popular across the world since ancient times. This product is made of solid, thick, good quality wood, ideal for crushing and grinding fresh herbs, spices and other ingredients. The substance to be ground is placed in the mortar and ground, crushed or mixed using a pestle. Handy and convenient to use, they also add a touch of dramatic flair to any kitchen décor.

    The mortar (/ˈmɔːrtər/) is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, metal, ceramic, or hard stone, such as granite.

    Wooden Mortar And Pestle (Crusher) Product Dimension

    • Mortar Weight: 350 gm - 400 gm
    • Pestle Weight: 40 gm - 50 gm
    • Total Weight: 400 gm - 450 gm
    • Mortar Diameter: 8.5 cm
    • Mortar Inner Height: 7.5 cm
    • Pestle Length: 13.5 cm

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    Tags: morter and pestle wooden, stone morter and pestle, ceramic morter and pestle, idikallu, idiyan, Mortar and Pestles, crusher, spice grinder,
