Njaval Bark Dried and Crushed
- Brand:NatureLoC
- Product Info:Njaval Bark Dried, Jamun dried bark Ayurvedic Herbs Crushed
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Njaval plant is originally from India and Indonesia. Njaval or Naval (Syzygium cumini) is also known as jambul, jambolan, jamblang or jamun, is an evergreen tropical tree in the flowering plant family Myrtaceae.In English it is known as Java Plum or Malabar Plum. Njaval flower are fragrant and small. The bark has anti-inflammatory activity and in tribal medicine decoction of the bark is taken internally for dyspepsia, dysentery, and diarrhea and also serves as an enema
- Family: Myrtaceae
- Genus: syzygium
- Botanical name: Syzygium cumini
- Sanskrit: Jambu
- English: Black plum, Java plum, Jamun
- Hindi: Jamun, Jaman
- Malayalam: Njaval
The fruit is oblong,ovoid starts green truns pink to shining crimson black when its matures. Its seeds used in various treatments in ayurveda for digestive ailments. The leaves are used for strengthning the teeth and gums.The fruit and seeds are sweet, acrid, sour, tonic, and cooling, and are used in diabities, diarrhoea and ringworm. The bark is astringent, sweet sour, diuretic, digestive and anthelmintic
Tags: Njaval Bark Dried, Medicinal Herbs