Appam, Idiyappam, Puttu Podi / Powder Combo
- Brand:NatureLoC
- Product Info:
Idiyappam Podi - Idiyappam Powder NatureLoC Nice White Rice Flour + Appam Podi Soft Nice White Rice Powder Flour + Fine quality Puttu Rice powder from rice sourced from Kerala Combo
- In Stock
What is puttu podi made of? चावल का आटा.
NatureLoc Rice Puttupodi പുട്ടുപൊടി (चावल का आटा.) is made using high-quality white rice variants sourced from rice / paddy fields across Kerala. Both the rice variants are popular in Kerala and are used to make different food items. Puttu പുട്ടു means "portioned" in Malayalam. It is made of steamed cylinders of ground rice layered with coconut shavings, sometimes with a sweet or savory filling on the inside. Puttu is served hot with sweet side dishes such as palm sugar or banana, or with curries such as dal, chickpea, mutton, fish or chicken.
What is idiyappam powder or white rice flour for nool puttu?
NatureLoC made Fresh Rice Powder (അരി പൊടി) to make mouth-watering idiyappam (അപ്പം ) . Idiyappam (Tamil: இடியாப்பம், Malayalam: ഇടിയപ്പം) Idiyappam Podi or Powder is a rice flour which is specially formulated and slightly varied for the perfect idyappam. Idiyappam and appam is the traditional Kerala break-fast which is a preferred food variety in Tamilnadu, certain parts of Karnataka and Sri Lanka. Appams made from Natureloc Appam Podi is famed for its pure white colour, even texture and softness.It is served with vegetarian or non vegetarian dishes.
What is white rice flour or aripodi?
NatureLoC made Fresh Rice Powder (അരി പൊടി चावल का आटा) to make mouth-watering Appams (അപ്പം ) laced with crispy. Appam Podi or Powder is a rice flour which is specially formulated and slightly varied for the perfect Appam. Appam is the traditional Kerala break-fast which is a preferred food variety in Tamilnadu, certain parts of Karnataka and Sri Lanka. Appams made from Natureloc Appam Podi is famed for its pure white colour, even texture and softness.It is served with vegetarian or non vegetarian dishes.
Puttu Rice powder : 1 Kg
Idiyappam Podi : 1 Kg
Rice Flour Appam Podi : 1 Kg
Tags: Appam podi, appam podi, rice flour, idiyappam podi, Super Soft White puttupodi, Rice flour, puttupodi, puttu powder, puttu podi, ponkathir puttu podi, nadan puttu podi, kitchen treasures, brahmins, appam podi, puttu flour, puttu powder, rice flour, ari podi, white rice flour, white rice puttu, funnel cake powde