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Quail Eggs (Kada Mutta Batair Ka Anda)

Quail Eggs (Kada Mutta Batair Ka Anda)

  • ₹192

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    Kada Mutta or Batair Ka Anda tiny egg packed with nutrients
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    NatureLoC - Quail Eggs Kada Mutta Batair Ka Anda - Buy Online കാടമുട്ട

     Quail eggs കാടമുട്ടtiny eggs eggs are surprisingly rich in nutrients.

    Quail Eggs or Kada Mutta or Batair Ka Anda are considered a delicacy in many different parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and North America. In Japanese cuisine, they are used raw or cooked as Tamago in Sushi. Quail eggs are smaller and lighter than chicken eggs, and the egg shells have dots. The nutritional value of quail eggs is far greater than those of chicken eggs.

    Quail eggs contain 13% protein, which is comfortably more than the daily recommended protein requirement. Quail Eggs has various health benefits which includes providing rich nutrients, treating cough, reducing risks of heart diseases, boosting immunity, improving liver health etc.

    Sourcing and Packing 

    Sourcing : Directly from farmers 

    NOTE: The product comes with a package of 12 Eggs in a box. Hence the product will be dispatched in the multiples of 12.

    Packaging: We use a variety of different cartons for shipping that are more secure for the eggs during transport.

    How to store quail  eggs?

    Keeping quail eggs at home

    There are two ways to keep this natural product fresh

    • at room temperature
    • in a refrigerator

    When refrigerated for storage, quail eggs are best placed in plastic or cardboard packaging and set down with a pointed end, so the risk of breaking an egg is reduced.It is important to remember that during refrigerated storage you should not keep meat products, fish and other products with a pronounced odor nearby. 

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    Tags: Quail Eggs, Kada Mutta, Batair Ka Anda, Quail Eggs, eggs, kwail eggs, kuileggs, order online qual eggs, buy online eggs, tiny egg, small eggs

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