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Vembada ( Red Creeper) - Vempata
Vembada ( Red Creeper) - Vempata
Vembada ( Red Creeper) - Vempata

Vembada ( Red Creeper) - Vempata

  • ₹98

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    Vembada or Red Creeper-Vempata Skin Whitening Herbs
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    Vembada or Red Creeper - Ayurveda Product, Vempata - Buy Online

    Vembada or Red Creeper - വേമ്പാട Despite its name, there is nothing visibly red about the Red Creeper. It is widely used to make a medicinal oil to apply to babies until around 3 years. When The root of this plant is just immersed in coconut oil, it gives away red color. Hence the name. Red Creeper is a climbing shrub, found in Indo-Malaysian region. Leaves are variable - they can be circular to egg-shaped with an acute tip. Margins can be entire or serrated, and the surface can be smooth or finely velvety. The small greenish-yellow flower is fascicled on leafless branches, with an offensive smell. The fruit is 5-6 cm, densely velvety, a pea-sized part and an oblong wing, 0.9-1.1 cm wide, surrounded by sepal tube at the base. Some fishermen used the long climbing stems as ropes. It flowers in winters.

    It is a large evergreen climber or climbing shrub, found throughout the hotter regions of India, branches extensive, hanging from forest tree, the leaves are Simple, Elliptic, margin entire, leaf Bases Obtuse, apices acute. The flower occurs in the terminal or axillary panicles, fragrant, yellow. Flowering from December to March and July to November. The fruit a samara, with globose nut, wings oblong, obtuse, single Seed 1, globose, fruiting throughout the year.

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    Tags: order online vembada, vempata order online, manjishta online, online red creeper, skin whitening online

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